
Queens Cross Factoring

Queens Cross Factoring Ltd is a property factoring company based in the north west area of Glasgow and we currently provide a common repair and general property maintenance service to approximately 2,500 owners.

We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Queens Cross Housing Association.We commenced trading in April 2005, when the existing factoring business was transferred over as a result of the Housing Association’s decision to obtain charitable status.

We are registered company, limited by guarantee and managed by a voluntary Board of Directors, composed of five directors. Three are drawn from Queens Cross Housing Association’s Board of Management and two are independent Directors. Currently there is a vacancy for an independent Director.

Factoring staff are employed by Queens Cross Housing Association to work on the factoring business through a service level agreement.

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Tel: 0141 561 1105
Fax: 0141 576 0211
Out of Hours Emergency Tel: 0808 143 2002
Regd. Office: 45 Firhill Road, Glasgow G20 7BE.
Company number SC278139, VAT Registration No. 870 2416 40